الدرس الثاني ساينس للصف السادس الابتدائي ترم أول 2024 المنهج الجديد

الدرس الثاني ساينس للصف السادس الابتدائي ترم أول 2024 المنهج الجديد

ملحوظة:رابط الاختبار الالكتروني للدرس الأول أسفل الصفحة 

 Choose the correct answer:

1. Microscopes help scientists to discover that.......................is the building unit of living organisms bodies.

a. brick        b. cell             c the Sun               d. energy

2-The body of simple living organisms as bacteria consists of ...................................  

a. one cell only.          b different cells.

c. many cells.              d ten cells only.

3. You can see the cells of all the following under microscope, except ................................     

a. onion.       b. human skin         c leaf.        d. stone.

    4. All the following are from parts of microscope, except ........  

a. eyepiece.           b. stage.        c. coverslip.          d. mirror.

5-When you examine a piece of onion under microscope using the low power objective lens you will see the cells of onion in...................... size.

a.small             b. medium              c. big           d. very big

   6. The modern microscope help scientists to discover all the
    following information about the cell, except that.........

a. the cell is the building unit of living organisms bodies.

b.some simple living organisms consists of one cell only.

c.living organisms that contain complex systems consists of many cells.

d.all living cells have the same parts which have the same function

7- …………… was the first scientist to use the word “cell”.

a. Newton          b. Hooke          c. Edison           d. Einstein

8- The nucleus was discovered during an observation of an enormous  …………… cell.

a. animal         b. bacterial        c. human           d. plant

9- Scientists concluded that the …………… is the basic unit of the organism’s  structure.

a. cell           b. organ         c. tissue          d. system

10- All the following are form the parts of a compound microscope, except  the …… .

a. eyepiece b. objective lenses c. illuminator d. objective mirrors

11- The membrane of an onion consists of similar units called ………………………… .

a. cells             b. nuclei          c. organs         d. tissues

12- You can change the power of magnifying of a microscope by using another……… .

a. objective lens           b. eyepiece          c. mirror         d. arm 

Put () or (x)

1-Robert Hooke used his microscope to observe cells of some samples of plant parts.      

2- The body of a living organism that contains complex systems, consists of one cell only.                                                                   

3- All objective lenses of microscope have the same focusing power. 

4. The modern microscopes help scientists to discover more information about the cell.  

5-We can see the examined sample in bigger size when using the high power objective lens.    

6- The function of coarse focus and fine focus is making the image of sample very clear under microscope.

 7- Developed microscopes have allowed scientists to make new discoveries.    

8- Sometimes a single cell exists on its own as in bacteria. 

9- The membrane of an onion consists of different units called cells. 

10- The cell in an onion membrane contains many components. 

11- A leaf cell and a red blood cell can exist in the same organism. 

12-  Scientists must be open to new ideas about how cells work.                                          

Complete the following sentences using the words below :

(low power - objective lenses  the cell - small - living organisms)

1-Robert Hooke named the tiny particles that he saw under his microscope with.........................   

2- The cell is the building unit of..........................bodies

3- Different focusing power of allow us to see the components of cells.

4- You can see cells of an examined sample in..................size by using the ..................... objective lens of the microscope.

 Give reasons for:

1- Scientists tend to use microscopes in their researches.


2- We must rotate the coarse focus and fine focus during examining a sample under microscope.


3- The microscope is very important for the biologists.


What happens if ... ?

1-Scientists was not invented the microscopes.


2-You examine a sample of plant cells using the low power objective lens of microscope.


Write the scientific term

1- It's a device that can be used to magnify cells. 


2- They're the identical building units of living organisms.


3- It's the type of water added on the samples in microscopes. 


4- It's a part of the microscope through which you look at the sample.  


5 It's a part of the microscope that changes the magnifying power.


4- Correct the underlined words:


 1-A complex living system contains one cell. 


2- We use drops of tap water on the sample in a microscope.


3- We look at the sample through the objective lens of the microscope.


 4- We change the magnifying power of the microscope by using  a different mirror.



 Cross out the odd word

1- Objective lens – Stage clips – Eyepiece – Distilled water


 2- A leaf cell – A red blood cell – A skin cell – A bird’s unfertilized egg cell

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