The first science lesson for grade 6 first term 2024, الدرس الأول ساينس للصف السادس الابتدائي ترم أول 2024 المنهج الجديد

The first science lesson for grade 6
first term 2024

الدرس الأول ساينس للصف السادس الابتدائي ترم أول 2024 م

ملحوظة:رابط الاختبار الالكتروني للدرس الأول أسفل الصفحة 

1-Choose the correct answer:

1-The ………………………… is the building unit of a living organism’s body

a. brick             b. cell      c. organ    d. blood

2-Humans are …………………organisms.

a. unicellular      b. prokaryote       c. multicellular d. simple

                                                      3- An unaided human eye can see an object ….. mm long

                    a. 0.01         b. 0.005           c. 0.5        d. 0.001

                                                      4- An unaided human eye can’t see all the following, except……

a. an onion’s cell   b. a skin’s cell   c. a bacterial cell    d. a bird’s unfertilized egg cell

5- A living organism grows and reproduces by increasing the …… of  its body cells.

a. number      b. size       c. volume       d. length 

6- All the following are multicellular living organisms, except …………  

a. a bean plant      b. a cat       c. bacteria      d. a human

7- All the following are from the basic needs for the cell, except ………… . 

a. water        b. oxygen       c. food        d. carbon dioxide

 8- The …………… regulates the substances that pass in or out of the cell.

a. nucleus         b. plasma membrane       c. cell wall        d. cytoplasm

9- Which statement about the cells is false?

a. All living organisms are composed of cells.

b. All cells come from existing cells

                                                c. Most cells are microscopic in size.

                                                d. All cells have a nucleus

10- People are...................organisms

a.single cell



d.simple organisms

11- Unaided human vision can detect ………….. mm-long item that is in length

a. 0.01

b. 0.005

c. 0.5

d. 0.001

12- All of the following, with the exception of…………

a cell from an onion,

b from skin,

c from germs,

 d from an unfertilized egg of a bird

13- A living thing expands and reproduces by...... more body cells

a. number,

b. Size,


d. Length

14- Except for............, all of the following are multicellular living things

a. bean plant

b. a cat

c. bacteria

 d. human

15- Except for.........., all of the items below come from the cell's fundamental necessities. 



 d.carbon dioxide

 16-The controls the substances that enter or leave the cell.

a.cell wall    


c. nucleus   

 d.plasma membrane, 

17-Which of the following is untrue regarding cell 

All living things are made up of cells.a

b.The majority of cells are tiny in size,

all cells originate from other cells.c

d. Every cell contains a nucleus  

18-The smallest tiny structures that build up all living organism's bodies are

a systems. b. cells.     c organs     d. bricks.

19- We can see the cell of      without using a microscope.

a. bacteria b. plant     c. human   d. bird's egg

20- The…………….is responsible for the entry and exit of water into and out of the cell.

a. cell membrane        b. muscle cell
c. nucleus                   d. bone cell

21-The number of cells which build up a baby's body is      ……………………….the number of cells which build up his father's body

a. more than          b. less than          c. equal to         d. double

22- The structure which is present in plant cell and not in animal cell is

a. cell membrane only.                 b. cell wall only.
c. cell membrane and nucleus.      d. cell wall and nucleus.

23- The cell needs       to get its needed energy and to stay alive.

a. oxygen only                b. water only
c. food and water only        d. food, oxygen and water

24- Growth of a living organism is resulted from increasing the    of cells in its body.

a. length     b. size      c. number     d. mass

25- The body of is composed of one cell only.

a human    b. bacteria      c. a big tree    d. an elephant

26- All the following living organisms bodies are build up of many cells , except ..

a human.   B. fish.    c plant.      d. bacteria.

2- Put (
) or ():

1- Most cells are usually very small. 

 2- The unaided human eye can see a bacteria cell. 

3- Different living organisms have similar cells that have similar functions.

4- Increasing the number of the living organism’s cells occurs during reproduction process only.  

5- The cell membrane allows water to enter the cell, but not to leave it. 

6- There must be a water imbalance at the two sides of the cell membrane,  so that the cell won’t burst. 

7- The cell membrane allows only the needed substances to enter the cell. 

8- Scientists can use a telescope to see the very small cells. 

 9- An unfertilized bird egg contains more than one egg cell. 

 10- Multicellular organisms consist of only one single cell, such as the  plant cell. 

11- The majority of cells are often little.

12- A bacteria cell is visible to the unaided human eye

13- Similar cells with comparable functions can be found in several living creatures.

14- In the course of t, the living organism's cell count increases merely the reproduction process.

15- Water cannot leave the cell, yet it can enter thanks to the cell membrane.

16-To prevent the cell from bursting, there must be an imbalance  the amount of water on the two sides of the membrane

17- Only the substances required for the cell can pass through the    cell membrane.

18- The tiny cells may be seen by scientists using a telescope

19-More than one egg cell can be found in an unfertilized bird egg

 20- Multicellular creatures are made up of just one cell, like a plant   cell

21- We can see the cells of all living organisms with the naked eye.       

22- All living organisms are similar in that they are made up of one cell only. 

23- The new cells are formed from other cells existed in the body of  a living organism.                                          

24- All animal cells have a nucleus.                  

25- The cells that are present in different living organisms are not similar. 

26- Growth of living organisms depends on increasing the number of cellsin living organism's body.                                

27-  The cell get its energy from nutrients only. 

28- The cell membrane allow water to go inside and outside the cell.  

29-  Cell is the building unit of both living organisms and non-living things.    

30- The cells that build up a fish body are similar to that of onion plant.       

3-Write the scientific term:

1- They are the building units of life on Earth.

2- They are living organisms, and their bodies consist of more than one cell.

3- They are living organisms, and their bodies consist of only one cell.

4- It's a device used to see very small cells as a plant cell.

5- It controls the substances that enter or leave the cell.  

6 It's a gas which the cell needs to get energy and perform its vital activities.

7- They're materials released from the cell.

8- It's a liquid material that is necessary for the cell to do its function well.

9- They are the basic building blocks of life on Earth

10- They are living things contain just one cell

11-It is a tool that allows users to view extremely small cells like plant cells

12- It regulates the substances that go into or out of the ce 

13- The cell need this gas in order to obtain energy and carry out its   essential functions 

14-They are substances that the cell has released

15-The cell needs this liquid substance in order to effectively 

perform its function

T16- he main building unit of the living organisms body that can do

 all vital process

T 17-  1he component of cell that allows water to enter and exit the cell

A 18-  A device that is used to see the structure of living organisms cells

L 19-  Living organisms which contain cell wall in the structure of theirA cells and most of them have a green color   

4-Complete the following sentences using the words between  the brackets:

(nucleus – shape – oxygen – energy – cell membrane – size – waste products – food)   

1- Cells in our body are different in …..………… and …………… because they  have different functions.

2- All cells are composed of a ………………………… .

3- A cell takes in …….....…… and…….......……… to get ………..…………, but it releases ………...………………… .

4- Not all cells contain ……......…………… .

  5- Correct the underlined words:

 1- Most cells are very large so we can see them with our naked           eyes. 

  2- A cell is a simple structure that carries out its vital activities.

  3- Bacteria are multicellular living organisms.

  4- Living organisms can be divided into multicellular and         unicellular organisms according to the size of cells in their bodies.   

 5- The cell will shrink when too much water keeps entering it.

  6- Cross out the odd word:

                                                                1- Plant – Bacteria – Animal – Human

2- A skin cell – A plant cell – An animal's cell – A bird’s unfertilized egg cell

3- Oxygen – Water – Carbon dioxide – Food

7- Choose from column (A) what suits it in column (B):

                      Column (A)                  Column (B)

1 A cell membrane

a. is smaller than 0.005 mm long.

2 A bird’s unfertilized  egg cell

b. length ranges between 0.005 to 0.1 mm.

3 Bacterium

c. controls the amount of water that enters  the cell.

4 A skin cell

d. is a very large cell.

1 ………… 2 ……… 3 ………… 4 ……

8- Give reasons for:

1- The cell provides the structure of the living organism's body.


2- A plant is considered a multicellular organism.


3- Bacteria are considered unicellular organisms.


4- You can see a bird’s unfertilized egg,but you can’t see your skin cell without a microscope.


 5- The cell membrane is very important for the cell.


6- The cells of the same living organisms are different in shape and size.


7- The amount of water must be balanced at the two sides of the cell  membrane.


8- The cell needs energy.


9- The cell allows water to go outside it.


10- You cannot see the body of bacteria with your naked eye


9-What happens if:

                                                       1-The cell can’t get its basic needs?


2- The cell membrane is absent in an animal cell?


3- Too much water enters the cell?


4-  There is much water enters the cell.


5- The cell doesn't get its needs of nutrients, oxygen and water.


 6- The number of cells increased in the body of a baby.


10-  Complete the following sentences :

1. Some cells may be large enough to see with our naked eye such as….       

2. Plant cell has …………..which is not found in animal cell.

3. Human body cells need food and oxygen to get …….. which is needed to do all vital processes.

4- Your body grows up due to the increase in number of  your body…………..    

5- All cells allow water to go inside and outside them through…………….

6- To see the structure of bacteria, we need to use………… 

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